Saturday, December 28, 2019

Using Love to Justify Sex in A Very Short Story Essay

Using Love to Justify Sex in A Very Short Story At first glance unusually normal, at second glance unusually striking, the title A Very Short Story reveals Hemingways perception of a perhaps unforgotten war experience. Man went to war. He met woman. They spent many nights together. They considered marriage. He went home without her. She moved on. He moved on. The end. The story, the relation of events, is indeed short. This is not eternal spiritual love; instead, this is the animalistic, barbaric sexual act- sex and love for the sole purpose and convenience of sex itself. Then it is over. The story begins on ONE HOT evening in Padua (Hemingway, 65), hot relating to passionate feelings, and evening as the perfect†¦show more content†¦They were glad to let her. (65). Her relationship was such with the patient, and so allowed and approved, that she spent the night shift indeed, in his bed. Hemingway writes that, ridiculously enough, After he got on crutches he used to take the temperatures so Luz would not have to get up from the bed. (65); he performed the nurses medical duties, that her physical exertion might only be spent nightly in their erotic activities. This role switching is given two thumbs up by the other patients, who all knew about it. They all liked Luz., and our character, As he walked back along the halls after lessening the nurses work load, thought of Luz in his bed. (65), awaiting his return. Thus the author gives us two descriptions of episodes, both physical, neither emotional, of contact between the characters. This is enough, of course, to qualify for marriage talk, as the soldier is soon leaving for the front. The erotic love affair, however, doesnt move much beyond mere talk, because, they wanted to get married, but there was not enough time ... neither of them had birth certificates. (65). They felt as though they were married, and, they acted as if they were married, but they wanted every one to know about it, and to make it so they could not lose it. (65); it seemed a good idea, to secure a merely physical bond between two people with legal documentation. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Socially Constructed Practice of Masculinity in Literature1389 Words   |  5 Pagesfigure. McMurphy views the feminine as destructive to men and fights back in an attempt to defeat the â€Å"Combine,† or cold war society, that suppresses masculine identity and heteronormative sexual performance. Joe uses the practice of masculinity to justify acts of violence against women: as the supreme being, he can control the weaker gender for his benefit. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Historical Perspective in the Essays of Susan Griffin,...

Historical Perspective in the Essays of Susan Griffin, Richard Rodriguez, and Ralph Ellison (Our Secret, Extravagance of Laughter, The Achievement of Desire) Susan Griffin’s â€Å"Our Secret† is an essay in which she carefully constructs and describes history, particularly World War II, through the lives of several different people. Taken from her book A Chorus of Stones, her concepts may at first be difficult to grasp; however David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky say that, â€Å"Griffin writes about the past - how we can know it, what its relation to the present, why we should care. In the way she writes, she is also making an argument about how we can know and understand the past†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Griffin strikes all of†¦show more content†¦In her personal history, she describes her life, and her childhood, which intertwines with her family history. However, she not only talks about her histories, she talks about the histories of the other characters in the essay to bring across the larger world history. One of the technique’s that Griffin uses to help the audience understand her concepts, is explaining two other story lines while telling her main story. The first one is a description of a cell. Throughout the essay, italicized sentences explaining the intricacies of a cell are placed seemingly randomly between passages. The description begins with a nucleus, and as the story progresses, so does the nucleus. Griffin tells what happens to the nucleus, and how the inner-workings of the nucleus develops into a cell, which gives rise to many cells, which will eventually become an embryo. He other story line, also italicized sentences, goes through the making and beginning of missiles. Later in the essay, Griffin explains how the one missile develops into a bigger and more effective missile. These separate story lines are placed within the story to explain that everyone has a background, and a past. The background and past are factors in developing the present and future; and certain characters in the story had a tendency to try to forget their past, not realizing that there is no escape from it. Griffin illustrates this technique most vividly with

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Quality Street Monologue Essay Paper Example For Students

Quality Street Monologue Essay Paper A monologue from the play by J. M. Barrie NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Quality Street. J.M. Barrie. London: Hodder Stoughton, 1913. PHOEBE: I am tired of being ladylike. I am a young woman still, and to be ladylike is not enough. I wish to be bright and thoughtless and merry. It is every woman\s birthright to be petted and admired; I wish to be petted and admired. Was I born to be confined within these four walls? Are they the world, Susan, or is there anything beyond them? I want to know. My eyes are tired because for ten years they have seen nothing but maps and desks. Ten years! Ten years ago I went to bed a young girl and I woke up with this cap on my head. It is not fair. This is not me, Susan, this is some other person, I want to be myself. If you only knew how I have rebelled at times, you would turn from me in horror. I have a picture of myself as I used to be; I sometimes look at it. I sometimes kiss it, and say, Poor girl, they have all forgotten you. But I remember. I keep it locked away in my room. Would you like to see it? I shall bring it down. My room! Oh, it is there that the Phoebe you think so p atient has the hardest fight with herself, for there I have seemed to hear and see the Phoebe of whom this is but an image in a distorted glass. I have heard her singing as if she thought she was still a girl. I have heard her weeping; perhaps it was only I who was weeping; but she seemed to cry to me, Let me out of this prison, give me back the years you have taken from me. Where is my youth? Oh, where are my pretty curls?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Internet as means of social interaction

Table of Contents Blogs Websites Success strategies Conclusion Works Cited Since its discovery, the internet has significantly transformed the way people interact and socialize. The twenty first century in particular has seen a dynamic shift in the way people communicate and meet other people. Popular social and interaction sites such as facebook, youtube, twitter, hi5, Yahoo personals, MSN dating, MySpace, tagged and matchmaker among several other websites have created an environment that boosts human interaction through providing a platform or interface that simplifies interaction.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internet as means of social interaction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apart from communication and meeting new people, the internet has also created a means to which single individuals willing to find a companion can meet. Match making services are a lucrative business available online and several couples have met through the internet and are contented with the outcome. Despite the ambiguity that is associated with the internet, testimonials from love seekers indicate that many individuals who have taken the risk of seeking a partner online have had rewarding long distance relationships. It is therefore imperative to understand the environment facilitated by the internet in order to comprehend the rate of success. Blogs Blogs are personalized web pages that allow individuals to communicate and have discussions over a given theme. Anyone can write a blog and this makes blogs diverse in substance and application especially in social interaction. The miscellany associated with blogs allows for diversification of portfolios as far as individuals are concerned (Boothman 1). Blogs facilitate the flexibility needed to handle a large number of individuals with different interests. For instance, blogs will allow for the convergence of specific groups of individuals that sh are a common interest (Culbreth 44). In reference to the dating scene, blogs will make it possible for individuals with specific tastes and preferences to meet through their exclusive blogs (Thompson 3). For example there are interracial dating blogs, blogs pertaining the dating for specific religions, professional singles blogs, over forty years dating blogs, same sex dating blogs, among others. Blogs are also highly regarded when an individual wishes to create their own profile for online social interaction. A profile is a self assessment of an individual, with reference to gender, age, physical attributes, academic achievements, professional status, taste and preferences (Boothman 1). Profiles are used to identify who that individual is both in personality and physically and it may contain a photo of the person. Prospective partners will have to read a person’s profile so as to decide whether the person is more than likely to fulfill their specific needs (Thompson 1).Adver tising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Websites The late twentieth and the twenty first century has been a period of online dating explosion. The majority of the engagement websites have proven their success though several testimonials about couples who have met through internet dating services (Boothman 1). Further analysis of these matches has revealed that most of these couples had been successful with long distance relationships over a sustained period of time before they met physically (Nixon 23)., one of the most successful online dating websites has been responsible for the highest number of weddings and engagements subsequent to online dating (Culbreth 61). For instance 56 billion first emails are sent per year whereas 12 couples get married or engaged on a daily basis due to In addition, users of go on 6 million dates each year and out of ev ery 1,369 dates, one date leads to marriage on (OPW 1). makes one million dollars a day from subscription revenues indicating the success rate of this website. EHarmony, a working partner to recently released statistics that revealed the success rate of the company (OPW 1). One hundred and eighteen couples get married or engaged each day and the website receives twelve thousand to fifteen thousand new users every day meaning there is a full audience turnover every 7 months (OPW 1). These websites have developed certain strategies to ensure that they remain ahead of the competition and stay on top of the online dating scene. Even though the success of online dating is overwhelming, the online dating has had its difficulty. The first failure of online dating is the non committal approach people have towards internet dating (Culbreth 42). Most individuals do not take the online dating seriously and will often drop an online partner because the emotional at tachment between them is not very strong regardless of the other person’s feelings (OPW 1). Online dating provides an opportunity for cyber bullies and other forms of cyber criminals to pry on ignorant victims (Nixon 29). Online abuse through embarrassment and vulgar language is common, and victims can be heart broken especially if they felt attracted to a cyber criminal then got embarrassed. Such examples are rampant and some criminals even go further to meet a victim personally in order to ham them. There is also a chance that one can alter their profile to appear as someone who they are not and this vagueness is dangerous and a perfect disguise for criminals (Nixon 31).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internet as means of social interaction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such cases are always in the media, for instance the story on Sheryl Thompson of Atlanta in 2001. Ms Thompson had dated he r online partner for almost two years before they met on March 21, 2001(Culbreth 72). They went on a date that evening and Sheryl was never seen again, only to de found murdered four days later. However, the good outweigh the evil and several couples like the Gardeners of Chicago, Illinois, who met online at The youthful professionals dated long distance for over six months before they met physically. They are currently married with two children thanks to internet dating (Nixon 57). Success strategies The websites always make sure that before the new members’ profiles are presented in the singles room for public view, the individual and profile goes through a vetting process to make sure that the data availed is as truthful as possible (Renaldvo 1).The efficiency of the websites is further boosted by the use of Compatibility Analysis feature. This feature helps members contact people with whom they are more likely to get positive reactions from (Culbreth 47). Membe rs are advised to go for individuals who have a seventy-five to one hundred percent compatibility rate. The feature is however not to be used alone rather through a combination of information like profiles and personal interests (Thompson 2). Members are encouraged to write to only the people they are interested in. Due to the number of profiles available on the websites, it is easy to write to many individuals. Members are advised of the importance of thoroughly scrutinizing the profiles and only write to individuals who have a lot in common with the members. The use of the Active/Inactive feature is also another great way which has helped maintain the websites’ success rates. This feature is an indicator of whether a given member is currently willing and looking for a date or whether they are â€Å"inactive†. When an individual is inactive, it means they are temporarily unavailable from the dating scene (Renaldvo 1). If the individual is inactive for a sustained peri od of time, it is more than likely they are in a transition period or they have found someone. This feature has added great value to the websites by allowing the elimination of the inactive ones so that only active members can fully engage (Nixon 19).Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although there are a great number of people who join dating websites every day, there are several other individuals who leave the dating websites due to a variety of reasons. Some leave because they have given up while others leave because they have found a partner they are comfortable with. What makes the uniquely different is the encouragement they give to the members who may feel like giving up (Renaldvo 1). Such individuals will receive encouragement emails from the administrators who seek to reassure them of the imminence of a life long companion. That is one of the great resolves these websites have over their competitors. The websites pride themselves in the number of marriages and engagements facilitated by the sites. It is therefore within their value system that every member that joins has to leave with a satisfactory partner (Boothman 1). Conclusion The introduction of the internet as a tool to make social interaction possible has without a doubt created a bridg e that links the world. Individuals in any country in the world can date long distance for several months before they even have a conversation over the telephone. The internet has also made it possible for individuals seeking a life partner to literally validate the available ones by looking at their profiles. Therefore, finding a suitable date over the internet has proved to be faster, easier and cost effective when compared to the physical dating. Works Cited Boothman, Nicholas. Internet Dating: Advantages, Disadvantages and Advice, 2007. Web. Culbreth, Judsen. The Boomer’s Guide to Online Dating. New York: Rodale inc., 2007. Print. Nixon, Cherry. Internet Dating. London: babani computer books, 2007. Print. Online Personal Watch (OPW). â€Å" and eHarmony Success Rates published†. 2009. Web. Renaldvo, Mike. Success Factors for Intimacy journal,  2009. Web. Thompson, Dorothy. Talking Books with Internet Dating Expert Cherie Burbach, 2009. Web. This research paper on Internet as means of social interaction was written and submitted by user Landon Massey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.