Monday, September 30, 2019

Cultural Imperialism Is Power Essay

â€Å"Cultural imperialism† is what takes place when a large, powerful, economically dominant nation promotes, imposes, or otherwise spreads its own culture to less powerful, economically subservient nations. A. Examples Cultural imperialism is already evident throughout the world: Palestinian Arabs chanting â€Å"Death To America† do so while wearing Nike tennis shoes and t-shirts; Brazilians who curse George W. Bush nonetheless cheer for Madonna and Britney Spears; Turks who protest the ongoing occupation of Iraq may still stroll into a local McDonald’s for lunch; MTV reports 280 million subscribers throughout the world (Galeota, 2004). B. Hows and Whys In 1984, Harvard business professor Theodore Levitt warned that â€Å"the world’s needs and desires have been irrevocably homogenized,† adding that those companies that attempted to accommodate local tastes were â€Å"doomed to failure† (Galeota). II. The Means Today, with global travel and communication easy and quick, American Culture can be disseminated more widely and faster than ever. A. Marketing Images are everything. American corporations have been highly successful at portraying America as â€Å"The Land of the Cool† (Galeota, 2005). This results in an increasing demand for American goods, films and music. B. Communications The Internet has revolutionized communications, and because of forethought and planning, the U. S. has come to dominate the global traffic and marketplace of ideas and information. This has created a tremendous influence over the tastes and desires of people all over the world. III. How It Makes America Strong Darwinism is a fact of life, whether biological, social, or economic; only the strong survive. When the powers of Europe began staking their claims to overseas territories in order to feed their industries and expand their markets, the U. S. had a choice: stay out of the game and continue as a second-rate backwater, or get into the game and reach its full potential. U. S. power and prestige in the world owes a great deal to those visionary leaders who were willing to force open the medieval kingdom of Japan in 1854, to annex the Kingdom of Hawaii and seize Puerto Rico and the Phillipines when the opportunity was there. Today, America owes its incredible economic might to those leaders, who laid the foundations of Empire when Admirial Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay over 150 years ago. Conclusion: For better or worse, American culture is pre-eminent in the world today. Ultimately, this will be to the benefit to the entire world, ultimately making America a safer, more prosperous place. Works Cited Cohen, Nick. â€Å"This Comic Is No Laughing Matter: Michael Moore Is a Bestselling Author Not Only in the US, but Also in Britain, Japan, Germany, Australia and Many Other Countries. Has American Imperial Culturalism Taken over the Left as Well? † The New Statesman Vol. 132. Issue 4664. 17 November 2003, p. 23. Julia Galeota. â€Å"Cultural Imperialism: An American Tradition. † The Humanist. Vol. 64 Issue 3. May-June 2004, p. 22. Harper, Jennifer. â€Å"BBC Airs Global View of Americans; Many Foreigners Have Love-Hate Relationship With U. S. The Washington Times. 17 June 2003, p. AO8. Rothkopf, David. â€Å"In Praise of Cultural Imperialism. † Foreign Policy, No. 107. Summer 1997, p. 38

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Recomendation of an English Teacher

ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND036 ADVANCED PLA CEMENT COMPOSITION 5 CREDITS GRADE 11 Prerequisites: Recommendation of an English teacher and a timed writing sample. Upon commitment to the course, students will complete an intensive summer AP preparation project. It is mandatory to take the AP Language and Composition Examination when it is offered in order to receive AP course credit for work done during this academic year.Students who do not take the AP examination will receive level 1 credit. This course takes the place of a regularly scheduled grade 11 English course. The following is a portion of the official course description for English Language and Composition effective 2010, found in the Acorn Booklet and on the AP Central Website [http://apcentral. collegeboard. com/apc/public/repository/ap-english-course-description. pdf]:An AP course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing.The goals of an AP English Language and Composition course are diverse because the college composition course is one of the most varied in the curriculum. Although the college course provides students with opportunities to write about a variety of subjects from a variety of disciplines and to demonstrate an awareness of audience and purpose, the overarching objective in most first-year writing courses is to enable students to write effectively and confidently in their college courses across the curriculum and in their professional and personal lives.Most composition courses emphasize the expository, analytical and argumentative writing that forms the basis of academic and professional communication, as well as the personal and reflective writing that fosters the development of writing facility in any context. In addition, most composition courses teach students that the expository, analytical and argumentative writing they must do in college is based on reading as well as on personal experience and observation.Composition courses, therefore, teach students to read primary and secondary sources carefully, to synthesize material from these texts in their own compositions, and to cite sources using conventions recommended by professional organizations such as the Modern Language Association (MLA), the University of Chicago Press (The Chicago Manual of Style), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Council of Biology Editors (CBE).As in the college course, the purpose of the AP English Language and Composition course is to enable students to read complex texts with understanding and to write prose of sufficient richness and complexity to c ommunicate effectively with mature readers. An AP English Language and Composition course should help students move beyond such programmatic responses as the five-paragraph essay that provides an introduction with a thesis and three reasons, body paragraphs on each reason, and a conclusion that restates the thesis.Although such formulaic approaches may provide minimal organization, they often encourage unnecessary repetition and fail to engage the reader. Students should be encouraged to place their emphasis on content, purpose and audience and to allow this focus to guide the organization of their writing, (The College Board, p. 7). Textbooks: Texts will be supplied by AHS. Shea, Renee H. , Lawrence Scanlon, and Robin Dissin Aufses. The Language of Composition. Bedford/ St. Martin’s, Boston, 2008. Marking Period |Part One |Part Two | |Quarter One |Orwell, G. Animal Farm (1946) |Salinger, J. D. Catcher in the Rye (1946) | | |Thoreau, H. D. Civil Disobedience (1849) |Thoreau , H. D. Where I Lived, and What I Lived For† (1854) | |Quarter Two |Steinbeck, J. Winter of Our Discontent (1961) |Miller, A. The Crucible (1952) | | | |Hawthorne, N. The Scarlet Letter (1850) | |Quarter Three |Shelly, M. Frankenstein (1831) |Fitzgerald, F.S. Great Gatsby | | |Huxley, A. Brave New World (1932) |Selected Memoirs | |Quarter Four |Student Speeches |Student Speeches |On-line materials: Students will read newspaper and magazine features regularly to apply course concepts in discussion, reader’s log, and writing assignments. Since all columns are available free on line, school will provide access to materials on computers in the school library, computer labs and classrooms during and after school. The sites include: On-line materials will be |Feature/Column |URL |Purpose and Practice | |discussed weekly, | | | | |on Tuesday, | | | | |using notes and/or print | | | | |copies | | | | | |The Writer’s Almanac |www. thewritersalmanac. publicradio. org |Develop writerly knowledge base | | |Headlinespot |www. headlinespot. om |State news | | |A Word a Day |www. wordsmith. org/awad/ |Vocabulary and etymology | | |Daily Infographic |www. dailyinfographic. com |Analysis of complex graphics | Grading policy: Grades will be determined by on-demand & multiple draft compositions, blog entries, teacher observations, and student self-evaluations. Rubrics and scoring guides are posted on the teacher webpage. Academic Topics and Expectations = 90% |Performance Topics | | |and Expectations = 10% | |Terminology |Appropriate use of literary terms in analytical writing |Preparation for class performance | |Thesis |Precise identification of thesis in reading/ |Participation in class activities | | |Logical development of thesis in writing | | |Detail |Location of essential detail in reading/ Prompt submission of homework | | |Inclusion of organization of essential detail in writing | | |Style |Recognition and explication of writers’ choices |Cooperation in group work | | |Making effective choices as a writer | | |Response |Efficient, explicit and insightful response to all writing prompts |Sustained writing improvement | |to Prompt | | | |Grammar |Consistent application of rules for punctuation, spelling, syntax and usage. Sophistication of spoken vocabulary | |Mechanics | | | |Revision |Aggressive and responsible approach to improvement of writing over multiple drafts and within on-demand tasks |Sophistication of written vocabulary | |Editing | | | ? Regularly save all word-processed work to a CD or flash drive and student account on the network. ? Multiple draft compositions may be submitted via email attachment. ? Multiple draft compositions may be scored using track changes, archived and returned to the student. Timed writing will be kept in a classroom folder as source material for reflective evaluation each marking period. ? Classes will be conducted according to the policies in English Departm ent Handbook and the Student Handbook; both are available on the network. Suggested Materials: Students will bring notes, handouts, and texts distributed within a marking period as well as note-taking materials. Assignment Posting: Assignments and handouts will be posted on the teacher webpage and/or the class blog. Writing Opportunities: Students’ Write to Be Heard, Voice of Democracy, Kids’ Philosophy Slam, Letters about Literature, Greenwave Gazette, Student Arts Magazine, Very Open Mic Nights, and Wordmaster’s competition will be announced during the academic year. AP Language |Assignment |Purpose |Summer tasks |School Year Tasks |Point Value | |Summer Projects | | | | | | |[pic] |Sign up for a Gmail account. |Promote communication |Check your email at least once a |Email assignments via |None—having the email is | | |Address should be a combination of first initial, last | |week for updates |attachment |necessary for participating in| | |name and AP | | | |the class blog. |[pic] |Subscribe to |Develop vocabulary |Select the best word week of the |Bring your essay to the first | | | |Wordsmith. org/awad/subscribe. html | |summer. Write a brief expository |class. |Pass/ Fail: 100 Pts. | | | | |essay using those words. |Please word process and save |Participation | | | | | |your document | | |[pic] |Visit headlinespot. om and follow the news of your |Develop an American perspective|Browse the state’s news and learn|Post to the class blog sharing | | | |assigned state through its news publications. |other than Abington, MA |what is important to people who |your sense of what is important|Pass/Fail: 100 Pts. | | | | |live there. |in this state. |Participation | | |Email Dr. G. your state ASAP! | | | | | | |See Randy Pausch’s lecture, â€Å"Realizing My Childhood |Be inspired! Write a first draft of your first|Bring your lecture to the first|Pass/Fail: 100 Pts. | |[pic] |Dreams† also called â€Å"The Last Lectur e. † |Then, use his lecture as a |lecture, to be edited all year |class. |Participation | | | |model for your first lecture |long, and delivered as your final|Please word process and save |Revised in Sept. for a writing| | | | |exam. |your document at home. grade | | | | | | |MCAS | | | | | | |Rubric: 100 pts. | |[pic] |Begin a reader’s log or response journal |Practice interacting with a |As often as you read, respond. |Bring to first class. |Pass/Fail: 100 points | | |text | |Use on in-class writing |Participation | | | | | |assessments. | | |[pic] |Read The Dark Tide (Puleo) |Read non-fiction as an |Look up new words. |Consider: |In class writing during the | | | |argument. |Post on the class blog. |Should anyone be held |first marking period. | | | |Use reader’s log. | |accountable when accidents |AP Rubric:100 pts. | | | | |happen? | | |[pic] |Read Flyboys (Bradley) |Read non-fiction as an |Look up new words. |Consider: |In class discussion and | | | |argum ent. |Post on the class blog. |How is keeping secrets |writing during the first | | | |Use reader’s log. | |justified during war time? |marking period. | | | | | |AP Rubric:100 pts. | Typical Day: The usual class period is 47 minutes long. Usage of class time may vary, but most often follows these sections: |1-8 minutes |Writers’ Almanac, Word of the Day, Daily Infographic | | |Individual review and preparation of notes, readings or assignments for class and/or | | |Small group review of notes, readings, topics for discussion or assignments. |9-42 minutes |Lectures, individual practice, small group work, discussion, or Q&A to process readings or practice skill application. | | |Peer editing and revision may occur here. This section expanded for all on-demand writing practice. | |43-47 minutes |Summarizing class, homework announcements: teacher webpage and/or class blog. | | |Be the Change Daily Challenge or AWAD Thought of the Day | Typical Week: Although our schedul e may flex around holidays and special school events, the typical weekly plan is: |Monday |Review, in-class writing, on demand writing, peer review, teacher conferencing, in class editing & revision. |Tuesday |On-line feature discussion days, focused on topics closest to instructional topics OR most provocative topics. | |Wednesday |Text reading due date, introduction to new topics, processing readings in small groups or through lecture Q&A. | |Thursday |Practice and processing texts or reading in whole class, small group jigsaw or independent exercises. | |Friday |Continued practice and processing, discussions, presentations of individual or group work to class. | Typical Marking Period: Academic year is divided into 4 quarters, each halfway point marked by a formal report: Quarter, Part One |Quarter, Part Two | |Argument /Language topic |Language/ Argument topic | |Literature connection, model analysis |Researched Argument or Multi-Draft Essay | |Synthesizing weekly news/magazi ne features |Synthesizing weekly news/magazine features | |Researched Argument or Multi-draft Essay, directed revision activities |On Demand Writing/ Multiple Choice practice | |On Demand Writing/Multiple Choice practice |Final Speech revision | |Self evaluation, class participation |Self evaluation, writing portfolio | |Progress report |Report card | Exams: Midterm and final exams will be given and are 90 minutes in length. |Midterm Exam |Final exam | |Exam practice; one multiple-choice section and two essays given in an AP format. Grade will be a |Presentation of speeches written for summer reading assignment and revised during the course of the year. |combination of scores weighted similarly to the AP exam. |Grade will represent revision of the text of the speech as well as delivery. | Quarter One, Part One: Reading to appreciate writers’ choices: Genre, organization, and diction |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How can we use Language of Composition to |Shea et al. |Independent reading |Summer Reading Assessments listed on table, p. 4 | |approach to reading and writing? |Ch. An Introduction to Rhetoric |Small group discussion |syllabus | | | |Applying summer reading and readers’ logs in discussion | | | |Rhetorical Model |Note-taking templates |And | | |Ethos, Pathos, and Logos |SOAP Acronym |Timed Writing Baseline Samples | | |Patterns of Development | | | |Assign Orwell, â€Å"Politics and the English Language† ( 529-538) and Thoreau, â€Å" On the Duty of Civil Disobedience†(939-956) | |How do readers and writers use a common |Shea et al. |Shea et al. |Word Study Presentation | |vocabulary? |Ch. 2 Close reading |Orwell (539-40) |Individual/Group Options | | |Style |Questions for Discussion |Each selects a word from a passage or a favorite | |What does it mean to appreciate â€Å"word choice†? Note Taking& Annotation |Questions on Rhetoric & Style |word; | | |Glossary |Thoreau (9 56) |Identify related forms and synonyms; | |How can a writer use denotation and connotation |Orwell, â€Å"Politics and the English Language,† |Exploring the Text |Explain denotation, etymology and connotation. | |to communicate clearly? |(529-538) |Exploration of language resources. | | |Thoreau, â€Å" On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,† |Tone Vocabulary Handout | | | |(939-56) | | | | | | | | |Assign Orwell, Animal Farm | |How does synthesizing various viewpoints bring |Shea et al. |Analysis of point of view/bias in |Multi-draft synthesis essay/ teacher conference | |us to a personal statement about an issue? |Ch. Synthesizing Sources |Katrina Op-Eds: NYT 2007 | | | |Ch. 1Princess Diana, 28-34 | |How should we respond to communities who suffer | | | |Rice, A. â€Å"What it means to lose New Orleans† |disasters? | | |Puleo, The Dark Tide |Geraghty, J. â€Å"We failed you? Try again. | | | |Bradley, Flyboys |Sebold, A. â€Å"Living with the Dead† | | | | | | | | | |Timed Writing Item : Synthesis Based Question | | |How is a speech different from other texts? |Lunsford et al. Analysis of text for evidence of subject, occasion, audience, |Speech Revision | | |Ch. 17 Spoken Arguments |purpose and elements of oratory and signal Words | | | |Speeches from Summer reading |Compare and contrast written and spoken texts. |Include specific oratorical strategies in your | | |Speeches by Dr. Randy Pausch | |speech. | | |Lou Gehrig and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | | Quarter One, Part Two: Reading between the lines (and into pictures) for implicit theses |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does satire work as a strategy in social |New Yorker â€Å"Shouts and Murmurs† essays |Discuss satire as a strategy, distinguishing distortion of |Timed Writing Practice | |commentary? |Shea et al. 924-920) |message, importance of tone | | | |Swift, â€Å"The Modest Proposal† |Swift (920-1) |Analysi s of rhetorical strategies in satirical | | |Questions for Discussion |Analyze for subject, occasion, audience, purpose, style and |writing | | |Questions on Rhetoric & Style |tone | | | | |SOAPSTONE | | |How does a reader decode allegory? |Orwell, G. Animal Farm |Discuss representation in allegory, examining use of indirect |Creative Writing: Group option | | |Twain War Prayer |appeal. |Select an issue or event of personal, local, national| | | |Review language of political systems. |or global importance. | | |View Animal Farm (TV 1999) |â€Å"Shouts and Murmurs† essay | | | | |Satirical editorial or | | | | |Allegory | |Assign Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye; Thoreau, Where ILived, and What I Lived For | |How can we describe a speaker by analyzing |Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye |Analysis of diction for effect in creating character and voice,|Multi-draft essay/ peer edit | |language patterns? | |especially, age, education, income, geographical location and |Identif y the language pattern of Holden Caulfield; | | |Student selected passages from first person |tone |compare and contrast with the language of another | | |young adult short stories and novels | |literary character. | | |Review of model student papers |Option: Write chapter 27 or an â€Å"inter-chapter† in | | | | |Holden’s voice | |How can a visual become an argument? |Shea et al. (49-50) |Find 3-5 editorial cartoons on one subject OR ads on a product,|Speech Revision: | |How can a visual assist or confuse the reader of|Reading at Risk (147-9) |service or message; |Create a visual illustration or summary of your | |an argument? |Visual Rhetoric (891-893) |Compare and contrast how artists portray ideas. |argument. | | |Editorial Cartoons from Headlinespot. om |Discuss how a visual assists or confuses the reader of an | | | |Print advertising |argument. | | | |Daily Infographic | | | |Assign King, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† (260-274) and Assign Hawtho rne, The Scarlet Letter | |How does a writer explain the belief that |Shea et al. |Close reading and annotation |Timed Writing Practice | |motivates action? Thoreau, â€Å"Where I Lived†¦Ã¢â‚¬  |Analyze anticipation of criticism and concession |Excerpt (Swift, Orwell, Thoreau or MLK) | | |MLK â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† |Focus on SOAPSTONE |Defend/Challenge /Qualify | Quarter Two, Part One: Exploring issues of academic and personal integrity |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do readers recognize stereotypes? |Shea et al. Discuss stereotypes of gender, language or culture in the |Mock Trial | | |Readings will be selected from one of the |media: in television: reality shows, sitcoms, and crime shows |Discuss claims made by the author about characters | |How do writers employ stereotypes? |following chapters: |Select a single media segment and identify its dependence on |and claims characters make about each other. | |How does a read er evaluate the judgment of the |Ch. 7 Gender (347) |stereotypes or rebellion against stereotypes by showing a |Which character in Scarlet Letter is the greatest | |community? |Ch. Language (507) |clip(s), OR |sinner? | | |Ch. 11 Popular Culture (707) |Select a stereotype and present clips from multiple media |Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth or the community | | | |outlets | | |Assign Steinbeck, Winter of Our Discontent | |To Wikipedia or Not . . . that is the Question. |Shea et al. |In groups, select a topic. One Draft/ self-edit | | |Ch. 3 Synthesizing Sources (61) |Compare and contrast all features of Wikipedia and other |Use what you know about assessing and using sources | | |Ch. 6 Synthesis: Incorporating sources into a |available sources. |to develop a personal statement about Wikipedia | | |revision (335) | |usage. | | |www. wikipedia. rg | | | |How does a reader use citations to understand a |Lunsford et al. |Review the necessity of crediting completely all sources b y |One Draft/ In class | |text? |Ch. 20 Intellectual Property, Academic |using a citation system: MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. |Select an actual or literary dilemma involving | |How does a writer document sources [MLA, APA, |Integrity, and Avoiding Plagiarism; |Discuss academic integrity issues in our school and the Code of|academic or personal integrity. |Chicago] ? |Ch. 22 Documenting Sources; |Conduct policy. |Explore the options for action. | |How does a community of readers and writers |Gibson Primetime report: Cheating in America's |Research a scandal involving cheating, plagiarism or other |Compare and contrast your response with that of the | |preserve academic integrity and protect |schools (2004); |academic integrity issues. |actor in the situation | |intellectual property? |Steinbeck, J. Winter of Our Discontent |Evaluate integrity and plagiarism issues in Steinbeck’s novel. | | | | |SPEECH REVISION: | | | | |Evaluate and document all sources in your speech or | | | | |visuals. |Assign Miller, The Crucible | |How does a reviewer persuade the reader to see |Film Review Archive |Analyze of reviews to identify New Yorker film reviews as a |Multi-draft essay/ peer edit | |(or avoid) a film? |New Yorker On-Line |genre. |Read several reviews of The Crucible (1996). | | |Critics Corner |Distinguish between the styles Denby and Lane reviews, esp. |Review The Crucible. | | | |diction and syntax. Employ strategies and style to persuade an audience | | | | |to accept or reject your judgment of the film. | | | |View The Crucible (1996) | | Quarter Two, Part Two: Where science and argument intersect (at logos, pathos and ethos) |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a reader identify and understand Logos |Shea et al. Review newspapers for features and editorials in science. |Multi-draft/peer edit | |in science and technology writing? |Huxley The Method of Scientific investigation ( |How do various cities and states respond t o a science issue? |Identify science issues in your state. | | |609) |Review logical appeals and fallacies. |Compare and contrast the state view on a science | |How does a writer employ appeals to Logos? |Pinker The Blank Slate (630) | |issue with your view and the national view. | |Sagan The Cosmic Calendar (671) | | | | |Gould Women’s Brains (349) | | | |Assign Shelley, Frankenstein | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Analysis of slogans, public service announcement [PSAs], sales |Ad analysis | |appeals to Pathos in science and technology |Eiseley The Bird and the Machine (601) |pitches and maxims |Contribute a full-page to the classroom Gallery of | |writing? |Bronoski The Reach of Imagination (616) | |Emotional Appeals. | |How does a writer employ appeals to Pathos? Csikszentmihalyi The Future of Happiness (623) | |Identify the elements of the appeal. | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Examination of the thesis as a ca ll to action, whether implicit|Speech Writing: The Introduction | |appeals to Ethos in science and technology |Royte Transsexual Frogs (655) |or explicit. |Read a science article on a controversy or debate. | |writing? |Carson from Silent Spring (798) |Discussion: What should we do as a result of reading science |Write an introduction for the advocate of a | |How does a writer employ appeals to Ethos? |Various, Focus on Climate Change (862) |writing? particular point of view that prepares an audience | |Assign Huxley, Brave New World | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Investigate the current status of genetic technology |On Demand Writing Practice | |complex appeals in science writing? |Various, The Ethics of Genetic Technology (678) | |Synthesis based science question | |How does a writer employ complex appeals in | |Note how science writers are introduced in texts | | |science? | | | | | | |SPEECH REVISION | | | | |Fact check your speech | | | | |Wri te an introduction: classmate. |How do science fiction writers employ complex |Shelley Frankenstein |Identify theme and supporting appeals in a science fiction |Multi-draft/teacher conference | |appeals to persuade an audience to think, feel, |Huxley Brave New World |film, TV, short story or novel. |Science (dystopic) Fiction | |or act? |Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 |Focus on predictions and projections. |Review an imaginative text and its success as an | | |Aldiss â€Å"Super-toys Last All Summer Long† (665) |Discuss impact on audience. |appeal on an issue. | |Vonnegut â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† | |Support with evidence from text and context. | Quarter Three, Part One: Defining roles and responsibilities in the world of work |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do writers use language to define work and |Ehrenreich From Serving in Florida (179) |Investigate current and future job trends. One Draft/self-edit | |careers? |Dillard The Writing Life ( 212) |Read newspapers for employment trends in your state. |Describe your dream job. | | |Friedman, From The World is Flat |Discuss the words of work: career, vocation, job, retail, |Visit Bureau of Labor Statistics for Job descriptions| | |Terkel, From Working |profession, minimum wage, salary, commission, union, resume, |and requirements. | | | |class etc. Visit job listings in print and on-line. | | | | | | |Assign Miller, Death of a Salesman | |What is the purpose of work? |Goodman, In Praise of a Snail’s Pace (221) |What obligation does one have to provide for oneself and one’s |On Demand Writing | |How does work define a person? |Olsen I Stand Here Ironing (224) |family? Goodman, â€Å"Company Man† | | |Auden,â€Å"The Unknown Citizen† | | | | |Conversations: Focus on Working Parents (235) | | | | | | |Editorial/ One draft | | | | |Should one parent stay at home to be the primary | | | | |caregiver for children? | |Assign Fitzgerald, The G reat Gatsby | |How do writers employ complex appeals to |Minimum wage |Read newspapers for positions on workplace issues in your |Panel Discussion | |advocate for workers and/or employers? Workplace safety |states. |As a group, identify an American workplace issue. | | |Gender equity |Discuss the role of the government in the workplace. |Describe the range of positions on this issue. | |How do writers define the role of the government|Illegal/Undocumented workers |In your state, how many people are employed by the government? |Should the government intervene? If so, how? If not, | |in the workplace? | | |why not? | | | |Present to the class. | | |Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby |Discuss class conflict and work as a way to move between and |Multi-draft/ peer edit | |How do writers define social class? |Miller Death of a Salesman |among classes. |Select a literary text that deals with class | |How do writers portray class conflict? | | |conflict. | |Miller Tragedy and the Common Man | |Identify the author’s attitude toward work or social | | | | |class as the defining element of identity. | | |Steinbeck, Winter of Our Discontent | |Support with evidence from the text and context. | | | | | |Quarter Three, Part Two: Becoming an advocate for schools and self |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do writers define education and the role of |Shea et al. |Learn what a mission statement is |One Draft | |schools in our society or community? |Emerson, From Education (103) | |Select a school and locate its mission statement. | | Baldwin, A Talk to Teachers (123) |Visit websites |Analyze the language for what it reveals about the | | |Mori, School (130) |The Common Core |attitude of the institution toward its students, | | | |US Dept. of Education |employees, families and community. | | | |MA Dept.Of Education | | | | |Our School Mission | | | | |College Mission Statement | | |How do writers employ complex appeals to |Shea et al. |In your states, identify issues in education. On Demand writing/SBQ | |advocate for stakeholders in school |Conversations: |In particular, look for graduation rates, drop-out rates, |What is the role of the public school in American | |communities–students, families, teachers and |Focus on the American High School (150) |bullying, standardized testing, English Language Learning, |society? | |communities? | | | | | | | |What is the responsibility of a community to its | |How do writers define the role of the government| | |public schools? | |in schools? | | | | | | |What is the future of public education in America? | |How does writing identify one as a candidate |College essays |Visit college websites |Multi-draft | |worthy of admission to college? | |Locate college applications, including the common application. |Write a college essay. |How does one employ rhetorical strategies in a | |Discuss the role of writer as significant to college | | |college essay? | |appl ication. | | | | |Analyze the college essay prompts; what do they have in common? | | |How does a speechwriter use claims and evidence |Presidential speeches on education |Analyze education speeches for claims and evidence |SPEECH REVISION | |to advocate effectively for public education? Commencement addresses |Focus on subject, occasion, audience, purpose and tone |Multi-draft synthesis essay/ teacher conference: | | |Convocation speeches | |Revise speech to make clear claims supported by | | |Convention speeches from professional education | |evidence. | | |conferences | |Identify the connection of your topic to formal or | | |College Board 2010 | |informal education. |Quarter Four, Part One: Presenting an argument personally |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a writer explore and develop an |Shea et al. |Discuss the concerns of the communities to which|Panel discussion | |informed position on issues of local, national |Hedges From The Dest ruction of Culture (922) |you belong. |Form groups based on common community concerns. | |and international importance? Goldsmith National Prejudices (933) |How are they similar to and different from other|Identify the most pressing concerns of that community. | | |Woolf Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid (935) |communities |State your group’s position on those issues. | | |Picasso Guernica (975) | |Present to the class. | |Assign memoir, blog or collection of personal essays | |How does a writer make and present a proposal |Lunsford et al. Brainstorm proposals for action within the |Multi-draft essay/ teacher conference | |for a community? |Ch. 12 Making a Proposal |school community. |As an individual or group, write a proposal for some aspect of the | | |Previous action research proposals | |school community. | | | |Research what other school communities have done| | | | |to address similar issues. |Develop an action plan. | | | | | | | | |Select or develop a feedback form | |Why does a writer choose the personal essay over|Lives essays, NYT archive |Identify personal essays / memoir as genres. |On Demand Practice | |the expository essay? |In podcast format: |Discuss how memoir can function as argument. |Alexander, M. â€Å"Fault Lines | |How can a writer use personal experience |NPR, This American Life |Analyze the implied argument in individual |Mairs, N. â€Å" On Being a Cripple† | |persuasively? | |experience. | | | |SOAPSTONE | | | | | |Multi-draft essay/self-edit | | | | |Write a Lives Essay or record a segment in the format of This | | | | |American Life | |Assign search for video/transcript of speeches | |How does a writer educate an audience through |Kingston Woman Warrior |Analyze the implied argument in the individual |Multi-draft essay/peer edit | |memoir? |Mathabane Kaffir Boy |experience |Read and analyze a memoir or collection of personal essays. | |How can a reader gain perspective on an issue |Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings |Explore issues of immigration, bilingualism, |Respond to the text as an argument, evaluating its claims and taking| |through memoir? |Wiesel Night |feminism, apartheid, poverty, abuse of power |a position on one of its issues. | |Various memoirs such as | | | | |McCourt, Angela’s Ashes | | | | |MacDonald, All Souls | | | | |Beah, A Long Way Home | | | Quarter Four, Part Two: Presenting an argument to the community Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a writer prepare for a presentation? |Final Exam Speeches |Discussion of speeches for performance |SPEECH REVISION | | | |strategies |Dress rehearsal for your final speech. | | |Video of famous speeches |Practice use of various visuals: handouts, |Incorporate required visuals. | |(to be determined) |charts, overheads, PowerPoints, props and |Develop a feedback form for your audience. | | | |gestures. |Revise speech by incorporating peer and teacher feedback. | | | |SOAPSTONE | | | | |Review evaluative rubrics for feedback. | | | | |Multiple drafts/self-edit: | | |

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effect of Collaborative Learning Styles on Student Achievement Essay

In terms of assessment and teaching strategies, collaborative learning styles can be considered as an indicator of the student’s prior knowledge about a certain topic or subject. Learning styles are functional especially within the classroom setup because it enables the teachers to determine the existing knowledge of students which they are able to acquire before-hand which in turn grant the teachers the capability to assess the degree or level of difficulty the lessons will be. While it enables teachers to plan ahead of time the scope and level of the lessons for the students, it also helps the students to refresh their knowledge and be fully aware of what they already know. The problem however in the context of today’s modernization is the ability of students to acquire such habit, which clearly, declines the quality of their academic gain. The rise of technological advancements and the internet diverted the attention of the students from reading books and journals towards updating their online profiles and music players. Given this, it would rather be best if the students work in groups since these individuals presumably have the same common ground when it comes to societal habits. In such case, the challenging tasks will benefit both the student and the teacher in terms of brainstorming strategies and it allows students to participate in a casual yet academic form just enough to prepare them for future public or corporate requisites. Conceivably, such is in a sense that traditional schooling is incapable of providing the authenticity learners require is often given voice in the literature of educational technology, and this field provides a good vantage point from which to study both constructivism and the concern for authenticity. In essence, there is a huge possibility that students will enhance their cultural knowledge, cognitive skills, personal skills, business knowledge, and management skills given the activities that involve collaborative learning. Quality of knowledge imparted to students should be innovative and fit for this era. Reference McKenna, B. J. , & McKenna, J. J. (2000). Selecting Topics for Research Writing Projects. The English Journal, 89(6), 53.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Aviation System Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Aviation System Safety - Assignment Example In the past we had been getting complaints of malfunctioning air conditioning unit on our Boeing 737 series. Six out of 10 air crafts have such problems much to our ignominy. Because of this problem we have lost many of our frequent flyers. Some of the Pilots have refused to fly the plane. The paucity of apt spare parts simply adds fuel to the fire. But after such a pandemic problem of mal functioning of the A.C units, I along with board members had decided to completely replace the critical components of the A.C units on all our jets. The results of our move were truly remarkable as we no longer faced any problem related to the A.C units. None of our planes after the replacement have been grounded due to inaction of the A.C. later that year we also earned ourselves a reputation of being a five star air line in terms of safety. Today we face stiff competition from all corners. Our rival airlines get the spares from Boeing earlier; our planes are late because of sloth of air traffic controller leading to delayed flights. These problems only compound to further delaying of our flights. Unfortunately we are blamed for it. All our efforts seem to go in vain. The vast majority (80%+) of incidents & accidents are caused by human error. Error is a natural condition of being human! It is a primary function of personal development. We are all error prone, even the most experienced engineers and managers including myself. Management should not be surprised when Human Error occurs! But they should be surprised if systems of work are not robust enough to contain that error.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Mcdonalds reward and practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mcdonalds reward and practices - Essay Example Its continued success in the food and service industry can be undoubtedly attributed, among other factors, to the right strategies it has devised in handling its human resources. This paper evaluates the reward structure and system that McDonald’s uses currently both monetary and non-monetary and relate their effect on employees’ motivation and eventual performance. McDonald’s understands how much effective monetary compensation is to an employee. This is the money employees are paid for the job they do and it is structured based on the pay rates in the industry for the same nature and rank of job. It is a motivational factor as workers who demonstrate great skills and perform highly receive pay rise making them strive to be the best. There is short term and long term incentives that are variedly offered based on one’s performance. Short term incentives are those that monetary ‘appreciations’ offered at the end of the year to reward exemplary performances while long term incentives are those offered at unknown future dates. These incentives have great influence as they maintain the employees focus on the future of the business; employees work for future rewards (Armstrong, 2007, p.100). Another strategy that McDonald’s uses to motivate workers for high performance is through offering car that they can use for official and personal needs. There is a laid down criteria through which these cars can be acquired (eligibility criteria). Captivating enough is the fact that maintenance and repair costs are all on the company. Worker’s stress of travelling has, therefore, been neutralized. The cars act as a tangible evidence of appreciation to the employees and this facilitates their commitment to work as they can relate their inputs to rewards. The business has non-monetary programs that aim at motivating the workers for their excellent performances. Recognition programs are basically certificate awards that

SPIRITUAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SPIRITUAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT - Essay Example In the future, I would focus more on spirituality to make my approach universal rather than being specific because not all people welcome religion. The tool however helped for the interviewee to open up that sometimes he has a need for someone bigger than him when he feels lonely. The tool is non-judgmental and compassionate in approach and this helped me get through the defenses of the interviewee. The spiritual experience I had with my interviewee was fulfilling. At first he was resistant and does not want to admit that he too, just like all of us, needs some divine guidance. Eventually however, he softened and he in fact calls out for God during his moments of despair. The non-judgmental approach of the tool help him opened up which he used to find very difficult for fear of reprisal. On my end, the tool helped me connect and get through the seemingly tough exterior of the interviewee. It also helped me understand that the stress and negative experiences that the interviewee undergone made him hard and defensive. For example, when I asked about his down moments, the interviewee initially played tough that he can handle anything. The tool help me get through him and address his spiritual need. The experience affirmed by belief that all of us need â€Å"Somebody† bigger than us especially during our tough times. As the saying goes, â€Å"there is no atheist in a foxhole† because human strength will always fail us. We could appear tough just like my friend but it is really just a defense mechanism to make him look strong with his peers. Deep inside however, he also have spiritual needs which when explored, is actually bigger than most of us because it has long been repressed due to his negative experiences and fear that society may judge him as weak. When I made him open up, it was like a floodgate of pent up emotions and suppressed pains that has long been buried beneath him. I promised that whatever he tells

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison - Essay Example The narrator then walks away thinking that the man is not seeing him and he was almost killed by â€Å"figment of his imagination. According to the author another concept of invisibility comes out when was in a hole thus separated from the society and chooses to remain in the cave the narrator become invisible when he went underground mainly because he felt betrayed in the outside world and now he comes out not as an invisible person who always heeds the Whiteman’s instructions but on his own dignity and senses to get the power and a since of self-respect (Wells 34). Thus this brings out the fact that invisibility means separation from society. And also the fact that he lives underground and he is consuming the manipulated light and power company and lives for free consuming the power with his light bulbs (Wells 35). Invisibility is also brought up when the invisible man is accused by Dr.Bledsoe for betraying his trust to Jim Truebood and thus being given the an impression different from the true one in a way being told to value the white fox (Wells 75). He is then suspended from the university indefinitely in the true sense not to be taken back. He is invisible since he is called an enemy of the college and given an empty hope. The Author is also invisible in a way that when he is seriously injured at the hospital the doctors doesn’t seem to see who he is and out of ignorance they use him as a guinea pig for their electric machine, clearly indicating that Dr.bledsoe and the medical personnel are not adhering to the principle of equal respect to all meaning other figures in the society and especially the blacks were not seen or given full consideration in society (Wells 34). The narrator is invisible because he lacks the ability and powers to help him and is given empty hopes when in the real sense he was expelled (Wells 58). The invisible man is invisible since after

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Shipping Regulations Dis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shipping Regulations Dis - Essay Example Nevertheless, what is the main purpose of shipping regulations? This essay evaluates the relevance of some of the present shipping regulations. The overall purposes of shipping regulations, as Bloor et al. elaborates, is to enhance safety in the industry (172). The regulating bodies aim at ensuring maximum safety to the public as well as the freight handlers. Some of the transported goods, for example the hazardous goods, pose significant health risk to the public. For his reason, the regulating authority defines the standard ways of packaging, labeling and the overall handling of such cargos. In addition, the regulating body is mindful of the safety of goods in the passage. The shipping process involves multiple transfers of goods from different agencies. For instance, cargos are interchanged from the Carter to the freight forwarder and the airline. If the entire process is not regulated, goods may be damaged or stolen along the away. To avoid this, the shipping process is controlled, thus ensuring that goods in transit get to the destination safely. The present shipping regulations are, in my opinion, enough to accomplish the safety purpose. Firstly, there are minimal incidences of the harmful occurrences that reported during shipping. In addition, the present system is secure enough with very few instances of loss or damage to goods while in transit. However, the system may benefit from an increased investment in technology. The shipping industry ought to be up to speed with the growing technology. Incorporating modern technology may include the use of robotic packaging and inspection gadgets, among other computer-related mechanisms. Such measures will increase speed and efficiency while still maintaining safety in the shipping industry. In conclusion, the shipping industry is a sensitive area that requires a high standard of safety. Although the present system has significantly catered

Monday, September 23, 2019

Energy Efficient Middleware for Networking Protocols Essay

Energy Efficient Middleware for Networking Protocols - Essay Example This is to do with low-power design in all layers of the wireless network protocol. With integration of new technology with time, the modern infrastructure calls for efficient measures in the field of Network Protocols. The published work is critical in ascertaining the relevance of wireless services expansion in cellular voice; personal communication services (PCS), mobile data and wireless LANs. The authors to this work are researchers with extinguished experience in technology advancement. Christine E. Jones is an expert in Computer Science with a Masters in Computer Science form Washington State Universty, Pulliman. She currently works with BBN technologies in Cambridge doing extensive research computing and application in mobile and networking. Krishna M. Sivalingam is a computer scientist with a PhD. and Msc. Degrees from Staten University of New York at Buffalo. He has extensive research work in Electrical and Computer Science that has gave him interest in wireless network, op tical wavelength division multiplexed networks and performance evaluation. He has published and edited a number of works inclusive of optical WDM networks in 2000. His extensive work has been recognised by getting patents in wireless networks- 3 patents and several papers including 18 journal publications. Prathima Agrawal is an extinguished scholar and is the Vice-president of the Internet Architecture Research Laboratory and Executive Director of the Computer Network in Research Development at Telcordia Technologies. She heads research studies and has been involved with ITUSMO joint research: which is a third generation wireless access system research between Telcordia and Toshiba Corp. Her major research interests fall in computer networks, mobile and wireless computing and communication system and parallel process. She has over 150paper publications and received or applied for over 50 patents. Jyn Cheng Chen is a computer and electrical engineer academician. He has been a resear ch scientist since 1998 in Applied Research at Telcordia technologies. He has participated in ITSUMO as a senior architect and implementer working on QoS for mobile and wireless IP networks, IP-based station design, SIP-based mobility management and multimedia applications. He has also researched on energy efficient MAC protocols for wireless ATM networks at AT&T Labs and Whippany, NJ. The review of Research under Consideration The survey for energy efficient network protocols for wireless networks has been sought after and compiled with respect to a rich source of references. The study incorporates the works of notable researchers and scientists with respect to network protocols and wireless networking. With increased use of mobile networking, there greater need for efficiency in energy consumption owing to the complexity of the shortage and aftermath of energy use. The effective works cited in this study include Agrwal et al. (1998) and (1996) that clearly enhance the mobile power efficiency in video processing and mobile radio systems respectively. Energy efficiency is critical to enhance data passage and storage; therefore, improving the reliability in transportation and hand off is greatly influenced by the energy consumption, availability and reliability. Balakrishnam et al. (1995); Feeney (1999a,b); Gordon et al. (1996) among others has well been used to illustrate this. The use of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Source based questions on the Vietnam war 1960 Essay Example for Free

Source based questions on the Vietnam war 1960 Essay According to source G, results of opinion polls in the USA in the 1960s Vietnam was one of the most important problems facing the USA. This also shows in source F because 64% of people said television coverage made them want to back the boys in Vietnam while 26% felt moved to oppose the war. The safer film made peoples opinions change because through television they could see what was really going on out there so peoples interests about the war increased. Increasing exposure to the war may have changed opinions about the war because like safers film it showed what was really going on because in safers film soldiers were shot by their own men and they were killing innocent Vietnamese people for no reason. Source H shows a letter written by a U. S soldier fighting in Vietnam in 1969 and he is saying about how fed up he is with the war and having to go to sleep and listen to rockets and mortars and artillery then having to wake up to fight and see soldiers at the age of 18 and 19 being killed and having their lives cut off. His attitude to the war is that he is sick of it all and when people hear about this back in the USA their opinions probably changed. I think this soldiers views are probably shared by a lot of other soldiers when they are writing home. The soldiers families probably felt scared for the soldier and worrying if he will survive and this will probably change their opinions about the war. Source I is about American troops going in and killing innocent Vietnamese people in My Lai. The event occurred in March 1968 but was not published until January 1970. There might have been a delay in publishing details of this event because if the article was published then Americans would have questioned the soldiers tactics and it probably would have changed a lot of American opinions. The authorities delayed the publication of the article because it would have reflected badly on the soldiers and Americans would have started to question American involvement in the war. Source J is a picture from the My Lai Massacre and it shows a thirteen-year-old girl hanging on to her mother after a soldier stripped her. The picture creates a disgraceful impression on the American army and people probably wonder why the soldier done it. I dont think this picture was likely to appear in an American newspaper or magazine because people would have been horrified and ashamed of the soldier. If it were published it would have changed peoples opinions of the war. Source K is an anti-war song written by Country Joe Mc Donald in 1967. Anti-war songs were popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I think anti-war songs were popular at this time, particularly among young people because they wanted the war to stop because there were so many people getting killed in Vietnam and it was the young people who were being called up to fight for the war and they didnt want to. Anti-war songs were heard by large numbers of people on radio stations, cassettes or at concerts so it might have influenced people to think more about the war. Source K is a bit like Source H because Source H reached large numbers of people like Source K, they both express attitudes of opposition towards the war and they both might have made people change their views about the war. Source L is a political cartoon published in the USA in 1969. The cartoonist is making a serious point but is trying to make the point in a funny way. People usually remember funny things so the cartoonist wants people to remember this point. In the cartoon you see a salesman wearing an American suit and trying to sell it to a Vietnamese man by telling him all about it but the Vietnamese man says it doesnt fit. The cartoonist is making points like Americans want the Vietnamese to be like them, Americans and Vietnamese are different from each other and America is a big rich country but Vietnam is a small poor country. I have now examined a variety of sources, G, H, I, J, K and L. All these sources give reasons why opinions changed during the war. I think the most important reason for peoples opinions changing during the war were television and things like safers film.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Maintaining a Childs Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a Childs Healthy Lifestyle 1) A healthy lifestyle is paramount for other children and adults to help prevent, or minimize chronic illness and diseases. A healthy lifestyle does not only include diet and exercise but also a healthy mental wellbeing, especially in children. It involves the connection of body and mind; self esteem, self-belief, confidence and building up a natural strength to help them cope during tough times. ‘Every child matters’ a government programmed, came into affect in 2001 to ensure children have access to health are services, to prevent violence against children in their home and in their community. It is also in place to alleviate child poverty. This program helps children with building confidence and creating support networks so they understand they are not alone. Leading a healthy life style can prevent diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic heart disease, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer; I will now explore these diseases and ways to prevent them. It is know fact that the rates of obesity are higher in children who do low levels of exercise than to those who do high, frequent levels of exercise. Exercise is very important for young children in order to keep their bodies from accumulating unnecessary fat, which can lead to chronic illness later on in life such as diabetes. Children who regularly exercise will benefit in better health, not just at present but for future years as their bodies and mind will be conscious of the healthy lifestyle choice they make. Lack of exercise, being over weight and, for adults, exercise alcohol consumption is big risk factors for high blood pressure. It affects approximately one third of the UK. High blood pressure can be treated with medication; however, most of these can produce side affects such as skin irritation, dizziness and feeling drowsy. Some people are able to reduce or even stop treatment if they are able to keep their blood pressure under control whilst on the medication. If patien ts were educated earlier on how to prevent this chronic illness with lifestyle changes then medication would not be needed. Type 2 diabetes is another illness that can be controlled by the individual and their lifestyle choices. Along with taking medication, a persons diet and regular exercise are things that need to be addressed. There are over 3.1 million people in England that suffer from diabetes (type 1 +2). It is important to get diagnosed as early as possible to prevent symptoms worsening. Simple things like keeping blood pressure down and weight are two key ways of preventing type 2 diabetes, however type 1 cannot be controlled. Coronary heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK, it occurs when fatty deposits block the blood supply to the heart. Smoking, having high blood pressure or having diabetes could all cause CHD. Although it cannot be cured there are treatments and lifestyle changes that can reduce further problems such as; lowering cholesterol and maintaining a healthy weight. Strokes can also occur when the blood supply is restricted from the brain. Strokes happen quickly and often cause disabling complications such as paralysis and permanent numbness. To reduce the risks of suffering a stroke it is advised that we do simple and regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight. In doing this we lower our chances of having a stroke. Smoking is a major factor towards strokes due to the arteries clogging with tar, which causes blood clots. Another illness that occurs due to smoking is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease; this is a lung condition in which the airways become narrow and damaged. If a smoker stopped smoking after being diagnosed then the progression could be slowed down but not reversed. Keeping a healthy weight and controlling blood pressure along with keeping active and doing specialized breathing techniques are simple but affective steps to reducing the symptoms. Cancer research UK stated that ‘half of newly diagnosed cancers could be prevented by leading a healthier lifestyle, reducing alcohol intake, eating better, regular exercise, not smoking and safe sun practice.’ By following this simple piece of advice, the majority of these chronic illnesses could be greatly reduced. Smoking is also a major factor in the development of cancer, 86% of lung cancer deaths in the UK are being attributed to smoking. Research from The International Agency for Research on Cancer has shown that smoking can cause cancer in the liver, mouth, pancreas, stomach, bladder, kidney, cervix, bowel and ovaries. Obesity is a risk factor for several types of cancer; breast, uterus and kidney. Research shows many chronic diseases are increasing with poor lifestyle choices made by individuals. Education when we are young on how to make good lifestyle choices could greatly reduce the risks of people inflicting these debilitating illnesses upon themselves. 2) Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a strong foundation for a happy child. Making sure that people has the basic knowledge and understanding for a nutritionally balanced diet will help protect them against chronic illness and even behavioral difficulties. Many people are familiar with ‘5 a day’, which encourages us to eat five different fruit and vegetables a day. However there are other groups that need to be included to make up a nutritionally balanced plate. These groups are`; Fruit and vegetables Fats i.e. butter and oils Sugars Protein Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are a great source of nutrition such as vitamins and iron. Wholegrain varieties are high in fiber, which assists with regular bowel movement, and it helps manage weight. Pulses and lentils also contain fiber along with being low in fat and high in protein. Protein is necessary for growth and to help repair body cells. Another protein is dairy, which contains calcium; essential for healthy, strong bones. The fat in milk provides calories for young children and has important vitamins (B2+B12). Cows milk is not advised for children less than 12 months due to them not being able to digest the protein. Breast-feeding until the infant is at least 6 months is recommended by ‘The Department of Health’ or formula powder to insure the infant is getting the correct nutrition. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey suggest that adults and children are consuming more sugar than recommended. The sugars in chocolate and fizzy drinks are bad sugars, which can cause tooth decay (a very current problem in our country). There are naturally occurring sugars that, in moderation, can be beneficial to our bodies, these sugars are found in milk and fruit. The most important and vital food in our diet is fruit and vegetables, as they are a major source in vitamins and minerals. They are beneficial in a variety of ways; lowering risks of many illnesses and diseases such as strokes and also reducing the risk of kidney stones. Another important food is meat. Lean mince and fish are healthier options, as they are good sources of vitamin B, zinc and iron. Fish also contains fatty acids, which our body uses to keep cholesterol low. Oils and nuts also provide fats that keep low cholesterol; many vegetarians eat lots of nuts, pulses and quorn to maintain similar levels of these essential vitamins. Insuring a mixture of all these important food groups will not only keep a balanced and healthy diet but also will insure the body has the necessary tools to best fight off illness and maintain high energy levels. Children benefit greatly from eating healthily as it improves confidence with self-image; steady and healthy energy levels and can help refute behavioral problems. Being aware of healthy eating improves child’s chances of eating a nutritional food as they progress from childhood to adulthood. 3) to help maintain a healthy life style it is beneficiary to exercise. Exercise burns calories and helps build up strength, without exercising your body and muscles would turn into fat and the organs would become unhealthy. Young children can do many different activities to help prolong a healthy and happier life. Joining football clubs, swimming groups or youth groups. Research from ‘The Lancet Paper ‘ showed that as little as 15 minutes active play per day is all an infant needs to prolong a healthy life. Babies should be encouraged to move around independently by floor play or crawling as often as possible. Having this freedom allows them to strengthen trunk muscles, improve on concentration and move kinesthetically. Crawling also trains their eyes to look both near and far, this is essential for developing binocular vision. Swimming is another activity that builds on trunk muscles and also social skills. Sessions with mother and infant are great ways to initiate bonding and interaction with other mums and babies. Swimming uses trunk strength that improves infants’ balance and muscles development. Physical exercise can also improve breathing techniques; it strengthens the heart and lungs. Outings to indoor play centers and leisure centers are other ways of allowing kids to exercise; they run around with friends and other children. Free play also promotes a Childs imagination and creativity; many adventures to jungles and fairy tale worlds can take place in one Play Park. By following a child’s own ideas and other children’s imagination increases a child self esteem and self-awareness, this contributes to a happy, healthy child. Children can also take part in daily activities at home such as helping with gardening, tidying up and even helping with vacuuming, this it all classed as daily exercise but they can be created into fun activities to do with parents, especially when their parents don’t have much free time, school are getting behind this idea to encourage bonding between children and busy working parents. The government has a duty to protect and promote play opportunities for children and young people. The right to play for al children up to the age of 18 is enshrined in article 31 of the UN Convention on The Right of the Child ratified by the UK Government in 1991. With this law in place many swing parks, play grounds, football fields and more recently skate parks. These areas are for children of all ages to exercise/play and develop social skills. Clubs that teach sports are all essential in building confidence, help to focus their attention and problem solve, these all contribute to strength in mind and emotional development. Research at Monash University 9part of the National Sleep Foundation) proved, in 2009, that children who take part in daily exercise sleep better at night. ‘In addition to falling asleep faster, very active children slept longer throughout the night’. This quote concludes that active children benefit through all aspects of growing up and staying healthy and when they active this at a young age it teaches them good habits which they will use through their whole life. 4) Well being is; the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy in oneself; a person being comfortable with their existence. A childs well being can have a significant impact on their progress throughout their life. Social and health services aim to use a holistic approach when assisting children and their families. They look at all parts of the child’s life; home, school, psychological, physical and even spiritual being to find a way to best help the individual. Workshops are run for parents such as the ‘positive parenting program’ which looks at dealing with family bereavement and spotting signs of emotional stress, conflict in the home and strategies to help build confidence in their children and harmony in the house so everyone feels comfortable to express themselves in a save environment. Parenting can be exhausting and sometimes isolating so by using these free workshops it can greatly enhance the wellbeing of the parents, and ultimately, their children helping achieve a healthy wellbeing for the future. A report published by The National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness, in 2008, wrote ‘childrens social and emotional wellbeing is influenced by a range of factors, from their individual make up, family background to their local community within with they live’, with this in mind we can now find many charities like ‘BIG’, a lottery funded charity, that gives thousands of pounds every year to help continue many different project that work to strive positive mental health, physical health and strong social networks in our communities. There are programs that travel around schools and talk to troubled children about family separation, depression and many other issues. All these groups and workshops ensure that if and when a family needs help in maintaining the wellbeing of their family unit, they have financially achievable opportunities to meet in a secure, non-judgmental and confidential environment. A place they can discuss the issues and work with practioners on improving skills to enhance the wellbeing of their children and family unit. Reference The foundations of child development Working with children in the early years

Friday, September 20, 2019

Creon and Antigone as Tragic Heroes in Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

Creon and Antigone as Tragic Heroes Creon and Antigone, main characters in the Greek tragedy Antigone by Sophocles share some of the same characteristics that make up a tragic hero, but to varying degrees. Antigone, daughter of her mother/grandmother, Jocasta, and father, Oedipus is head strong, proud, and stubborn. She had three siblings, Ismene her sister, and two brothers Eteocles and Polyneices who found there deaths at the end of each others sword in battle over which would become king of Thebes. Antigone's pride fullness and loyalty is revealed when Polyneices is denied proper burial by her uncle and king Creon. The two buttheads in the political for Creon and personal for Antigone situation and bring about the downfall of the royal family. Aristotle's view on a tragic hero is someone that would have to be held in high standards (royalty) in order to evoke compassion and anxiety in the audience. Creon and Antigone are royalty and share the most important aspect of a tragic hero, each have a tragic flaw. Both of the two characters have an inability to compromise or even reason with. Antigone's tragic flaw was amplified by her loyalty for her brother; she acted irrational, in not taking preparation or thoroughness into consideration when burying her brother. Further more when confronted by Creon, himself she disrespected and basically told him to silence himself because his words were "distasteful" to her. So then sealing her death by becoming an immediate martyr for the wrong cause... anything against Creon's will. Creon, in his paranoia was plagued with the feeling of incompetence and need to establish dominance. His decree that no one would bury Polyneices only provoked the people of Thebes into thinking of him as insensitive to their culture. When his ruling was disobeyed, only led him to him to believe that conspiracy was about and that no matter, family or not, he would punish Antigone, causing a chain reaction of events causing the loss of his entire family, except Ismene. Leaving the audience experiencing pity and fear for both characters. Neither Creon nor Antigone, were either all bad or all good. Creon while tyrant like only wanted Thebes to flourish, Antigone while showing honor to her brother never stopped to really consider the effect that her actions would have on others.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy :: My Philosophy of Education

Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy To begin my statement of educational goals and philosophy, I would like to address the issue of the nature of students. I think it is important to state that my choice in becoming an educator was mainly influenced by my love of children of all ages. I was also priviledged to have the influence of my Grandmother Yost for seven years of my life. She was a school teacher in a one room school house in McDowell County. In the short time I was able to be with her, she left impressions on my little girl mind that I will never forget. She believed in children, she believed in God and she believed in living life to its fullest. She passed away when I was seven, but not before she had a chance to impress on me that there was something in life I could give back and that something was myself. To me, teaching is the best way to give of myself. In addition, I chose this profession because I have a genuine interest in seeing all children succeed. I am a firm believer that there is a level of achievement that each child can reach that far out weighs even their highest expectations. I have confidence in the students and believe that there is potential in everyone of them. I believe it is my job as a future educator to go into the classroom with a fresh mind and approach each child as a â€Å"clean slate†. I believe each child should be given the opportunity to change and excel above any record or previous achievement levels. To me, knowledge is something this out there to be obtained everyday. I want my students to understand that each day they enter the classroom there is something to learn, to be understood and more to know. The joy of education is understanding there is someone there to teach me something I didn’t know when I arrived. Knowledge is not a resting place, it is like a rung on a ladder, not meant to rest upon, but rather, there to place one foot higher. Knowledge is also obtained and increased within their life outside of the classroom.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Relationship Between Business and Government Essay -- Business Man

Relationship between Government and Business in the United States The government’s position is to ensure that citizens do not suffer harm resulting from business operations, such as selling tainted food or preparing foods in unsanitary conditions, causing ecological harm, or dealing unscrupulously in financial matters. As the government grows, government regulation, taxation, and spending has been beneficial for businesses (Carney, 2006). Businesses prefer the government eliminate regulates and government watchdogs so they can continue to operation in a fashion that would increase their profits. Most business leaders believe the government is excessively involvement with how businesses operate. A poll taken in 2005, found 90% of Americans believed that large businesses had great influence over the government. The CEO’s of large corporations are able to have personal meetings with senators and cabinet secretaries to discuss their position and influence their decision-making (Carney, 2006). Since the Obama Administration, the government is interacting directly with businesses to ensure that they are being fiscally responsible so as not to negatively impact the American citizens. President Obama had to intervene on behalf of Wall Street, automotive companies and the banking industry by means of stimulus package to avoid an economic depression for the country. Both businesses and the government need to work together to ensure the citizens receive the greatest protection in all issues, to include health and safety, defense, economics and environmental protection. The relationship between government and business is crucial and critical if American is to remain successful. Government will have to lay aside its bipar... ...cles/cpr28n4-1.html Federal Trade Commission, (n.d.). Protecting America’s consumers. Retrieved from http:// Goodell, J. (2010). As the World Burns. Rolling Stone, 1096, 30-45, 62. http://search.proquest. Machan,T. (1988). Government regulation of business: The moral arguments. The Freeman,38 (7). Retrieved from -business-the-moral-arguments/ Milkin Institute Global Conference (2009). The new relationship between government and business. Retrieved from detail&EvID=1957&eventid=gc09 National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education. (2008). Retrieved from http://www.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Manufacture and Use of Cigarettes Should Be Made Illegal

The manufacture and use of cigarettes should be illegal. This is not just a simple statement. It is an undisputable fact. Cigarette smoking is a detriment to every society in which it is practiced. Firstly, cigarette smoking impinges one’s health. Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals, including nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, which are found in tobacco. The daily intakes of these chemicals have devastating effects on the body. Every puff, every cigarette, every pack consumed destroys the body slowly but surely. Airways, lungs, heart and blood vessels suffer daily from the effects of the intake of numerous damaging substances. The effects of smoking includes an increase in the risk of getting throat cancer, lung cancer, heart diseases, it increases the amount of red blood cells in the body which could lead to a stroke or heart failure. Cigarette smoking also affects the skin and male and female reproductive organs. It can also significantly decrease the smoker’s life span. Besides impinging one’s health, smoking impinges one’s wealth. No tobacco product is taxed more heavily than cigarettes. One might therefore say that the manufacturing of cigarette is beneficial to governments and to the building up of one’s nation. However, when we add up the amount of money one spends on buying cigarettes, the amount of money spent on medical bills, the amount spent for heart transplants, rehabilitation centers and funeral homes, is that really so? Hard earned money is being thrown down the drain all for the sake of cigarettes. Thirdly, cigarette manufacture and smoking has a negative impact on our environment. Deforestation is considered one of the most severe environmental problems worldwide. Modern cigarette manufacturing uses wood to cure the tobacco and to roll and package the cigarettes. A cigarette manufacturing machine uses approximately four miles of paper per hour to roll and package cigarettes. It is estimated that for every three hundred cigarettes produced one tree is consumed. It is believed deforestation is changing the world's climate and contributing to global warming. Cigarette smoking also produces carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, hereby further contributing to global warming. The large amount of pesticides and fertilizers necessary for the cultivation of tobacco also contributes to the pollution of our waterways and ecological systems. Cigarette butts take approximately twenty-five years to decompose. Through improper disposal they end up in our seas, rivers and lakes. Different animals and fish eat them by mistake and can die since they are unable to digest the filters. Cigarettes are one of the leading causes for fatal household fires, also affecting the environment. Finally, besides affecting one’s health, wealth and environment, cigarette smoking also affects the rights of non-smokers and children. Second hand smoke can also kill and is considered to be worst than first hand smoke. A person who chooses to smoke chooses to die. However, why should he choose whether the people around him should die too? Who gave him the right to decide who lives or dies? Many people, specifically the children of smokers, are exposed to second hand smoke. As a result many people who do not smoke suffer from respiratory problems due to no fault of theirs. Cigarette manufacture and smoking is indeed detrimental to a person’s health, to their financial status and to the environment. It therefore affects society in many ways. In order for a nation to have stronger, healthier persons in their society, use less government funds for health institutions and programs to quit smoking, not infringe on the rights of non-smokers and children, and to have a cleaner environment, the manufacture and smoking of cigarettes should be made illegal.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Supply and Management

__† .. _ _~~ w† t'HlI~ln †Ã¢â‚¬ '110111'1;/1'1 gllls! les)7 h. If another person Wasadded, where is the logical place'? c. What effect would a mail order lab (where the glasses are made off site and returned in 5-7 days) have on the process? 10 A quoting department for a custom publishing house can complete 4 quotes per day, and there are 20 quotes in various stages in the department. Applying Little's Law, the current lead time for a quote is how many days? 11 A small barber shop has a single chair and an area for waiting, where only one person can be in the chair at a time, and no one leaves without getting their hair cut. So the system is roughly: Entrance —+ Wait —+ Haircut —+ Exit Assume customers arrive at the rate of 10 per hour and stay an average of 0. 5 hour. What is the average number of customers in the barber shop? ADVANCED PROBLEM 12 Remember Mr. Rockness in Problem 2? He now retrains college professors. It is a much more challenging task but still involves five steps. He has worked hard to balance the line; however, there is a lot of variability. Each stage in the process now handles between one and six faculty members er hour depending on how bad the case is. If there is some inventory available for every position (do not worry about the start-up), what is the expected output per hour? (Assume that each stage is independent and that it is equally likely that one. two, three, four, five, or six faculty members get processed each hour at each stage. )† 5/'IEJ ::l-#1-1 ~ i4. * MAil, S$ _:. II. CASE: II ANALYZING _ _ â€Å"†l&'l;~R CASINO ,'† â€Å"ll~ RIfj~_I _ WlI'_W I† MONEy-HANDLING ~_m~~_>

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Compare Joy’s present job Essay

1. Compare Joy’s present job to what you think her previous job as a salesperson might have been. How are they similar? How are they different? Joy’s position as regional sales director is similar to her previous job as salesperson in that both are people-oriented. In the job as salesperson, she would have met with clients, traveled, and dealt with many people face-to-face. As a salesperson, however, she was in control of her own time. Her present job involves working through other people, and she must cope with many problems. The job is fragmented and involves communicating and negotiating. Thus, the managerial position is much broader in scope and contains many more day-to-day problems and interruptions. 2.What managerial skills are depicted in the case? Which skill is most important for Joy to possess? Why? Human and conceptual skills are most important in Joy’s present job–especially human skills. She works with subordinates, peers, and superiors–all requiring good human skills. 3. Why do you feel Joy may be disenchanted with her present job? The disenchantment may result from unrealistic expectations about the sales director’s job. Many people who have excellent technical skills and succeed at a technical job expect to continue performing the same tasks when they become managers. But as one moves up the management hierarchy, the various management functions become more important, and they require human and conceptual rather than technical skills. People who succeed as managers enjoy the opportunity to perform these functions and display these skills. For Joy, the greatest frustration seems to be her inability to control her own time and the need to work through other people, many of whom may disagree with what she is trying to accomplish. Thus, the key management issues become persistence and frequent negotiations.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Innovation In Organizations That Stems From `The Concept Of `National Systems Of Innovation`

The vicissitude in human wants and the desires to progress in ways of conducting their activities has brought about the need to embrace constantly means to bring about innovation in technology and pattern of operating a business concern. The concept on National System of Innovation (NSI) has to do with a collaborative effort between organizations in the public sector and their counterpart in private sector to form a network in bringing initiatives that would culminate into innovative technologies.According to Freeman (1987), who first used the concept in published form, he defined National System of Innovation as â€Å"†¦the network of institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities and interactions initiate, import, and diffuse new technologies†. NSI, thus includes those political, social, economical, cultural, organizational and institutional factors that promotes innovation and its utilization (Edquist, 1997: 14, cited in Edquist 2003: 4).For National S ystem of Innovation, theories have being amply utilized in bringing about innovation creativity as pertaining to national dimension. Theories are abstractions from the real world to give and show the existing relationship between or among a variables or a given phenomenon. Thus, they are as map used in showing the direction of the known from the unknown. In social sciences, scholars had propounded diverse theories in explaining different social different situations. However, other methodologies had being utilized for NSI, other than theoretical approach.These include empirical case studies approach, while other focus more on research and development system (Edquist 2003). Outside the National System Innovation, there are other genres of innovation development pertaining to sub political geographical sector, example the Regional System Innovation, and Local System Innovation. System Innovative concept could be categorized into product innovations and process innovations. Product inno vations embrace new or better product or services, both in material form and intangibles.While, process innovation entails new ways of producing goods and services. Both system innovation concepts maybe technological or organizational based. Giving an illustration on the usefulness of National System Innovation Freeman (1987), explains that Japanese industry and innovative performance, during its post war era is linked on the competence of its national system to direct resources to innovation and investment in new strategic activities. Lundvall (1998) used three central points to distinguished economics of innovation with the neoclassical mainstream economies.Firstly, economic of innovation focus more on change, while the neo classical economics is mostly central focused. Secondly, the neo-classical economies have general validated theory; while economics of innovation is an open approach that has united theory. Thirdly, agents of change with diversity of variables are central to ne oclassical economies, while economics of innovation evolutionary mechanisms are fundamental.This write-up will be specific in analyzing a segment of National System Innovation that pertains to economy geography, i. . industry agglomeration. BACKGROUND TO AGGLOMERATION OR SPATIAL CLUSTERING THEORY Agglomeration as a concept entails the clustering of people or the concentration of economic activities in an area. This concept according to Malmberg & Peter (2001:3) has two angles to it. Firstly, the spatial concentration of people in an urbanized area brings about gains from urbanization economies. â€Å"Agglomeration economies in this sense accrue from the geographical propinquity of industries and services in general† (Maskell 2001:2).Secondly, the advantages ascribed to localization of industries (Industry agglomeration) is numerous in terms of having adequate labour skill, reduced raw material sourcing, technology and infrastructure improvement, having access to subsidiary fi rms services, competitive advantage inter-alia. Firms agglomeration goes a long way to improve the profitability of firms by reducing their costs of exchange of both goods and information (Appold 1995, cited in Malmberg & Maskell 2001:9)Maskell (2001:3) explains that locational economies embrace those economies that arise from the geographical agglomeration of related economic activities. Thus, spatial clustering has to do with the concentration of similar firms in the same industry in a locality. This is what the agglomeration theory or clustering theory entails; that is, it is based on classical issues pertaining economy geography. Literatures on clustering theory have two source of knowledge.This based on ideographic work that has to do with historical origin, and the other is on the development of different typologies of localized clusters that gives advantage to localized firm in form of cost reduction. The ideographic historical approach tries to capture the historical origin and trace the evolution of localized clusters. According to Malmberg & Maskell (2001:4), the knowledge base of ideographic historical approach originate from the event or action which prompted succeeding developments, which sometimes turns out to be related to some more or less traditional factor of location.The activity leading to localization of firms comes from the development in a geographical location, which results in successful economic activity that is accomplished by related subsidiary or supplementary services from similar firms. Furthermore, another reason for the development of clustering is adduced to the fact that firms tend to maintain their location, especially when they are deeply rooted in such areas. This prevents their relocation. According to Ross (1896), cited in Malmberg & Maskell (2001:5), â€Å"The power of a locality to hold an industry greatly exceeds its original power to attract.The new locality must not only excel the old, but it must excel it by margi n enough to more than offset the resisting power of the matrix†. The cost reduction approach gives an explanation to those identified static advantages that is accrued to firms located in close juxtaposition to similar and related firms. This is analysed and weighed in line with the state of firm in isolated location. Geographical space and localization of industry has in the past being amply researched.Scholars noting the role of localization of industry in the effective operation have approached the study of spatial clustering from different dimensions, which include general organizational strategic approach, production process in firms, or analyzing industrial agglomeration from the role of local firm in the globalizing world economy. In innovating new concept or cluster theory, some principles need to be followed. This will go a long way to validate the theory. According to Maskell (2002:14), first such theory should at least have explanation for the existence of the clust er.Secondly, the cluster theory must include an explanation for the growth of the cluster. Thirdly, such theory should be validated on its ability to identify the boundaries of the cluster by identifying the rationale behind clustering of some economies activities against the integration of other economies. The importance of clustering has being linked up to high tech industry and to knowledge based industries. The need for development of innovation in the agglomeration theory is the vast uncoordinated and unified theories by early classical scholars on this field. A KNOWLEDGE-BASED THEORY SPATIAL CLUSTERINGMalmberg Anders and Maskell Peter (2001) developed a theoretical approach in analyzing industry agglomeration, otherwise referred to as spatial clustering. The development of innovative in spatial clustering for these scholars came against the background of their criticisms against the lack of unified theoretical structure adequate in analyzing spatial clustering. Besides these, numerous theoretical concepts on spatial clustering have a sharp contrast with the general lack of work aiming to validate empirical mechanism for spatial clustering, as found in work of scholars on this concept.As a way to find a solution to the lack of unified theoretical structure for industry agglomeration, the innovative work of Malmberg and Maskell (2001) â€Å"investigates the nature of cluster from a knowledge creation or learning perspective†. In this regard, they argue that there should be a need to put in place specific theory of cluster through learning as the major focus. Thus, two significant component of this knowledge-based spatial clustering is that there must be an explanation for the existence of the clustering, and an explanation of the internal organization’s structure.The knowledge-based theory on agglomeration arises from the relations that exist between firms in a cluster setting, in such case this relationship stimulates and encourages the exch anges of information and knowledge. The competition among firms in the same industry tends to prompt the processes that create changes and flexibility, which results in organization learning, and the strategizing to bring about innovation in operations of the firms. This invariably leads to the adoption of new technology resulting from changes in business operations.According to Alvsatm (1998), cited in Malmberg and Maskell (2001) the impact of spatial clustering on the learning and innovation prowess of firms and economic geography have in contemporary times pose a useful way to harness the interactions between scholars of social science in their study of firm competitiveness their learning process and innovation. The difference of the knowledge-based cluster theory, from other from of agglomeration theory, is in its position on the vintage point of upholding the long-term competitiveness among firms.This is determined by the theory ability to capture innovation and engages its pro cesses in continuous learning. Other previous agglomeration theories have taken the part of historical exploration and others the advantages in localization of firms. Spatial closeness of firms have being seem to encourage and make it easy for knowledge spread out and interaction which form the basis for innovation and learning. This creates a context that makes enable analyses for spatial clustering.The criticism on other clustering theory is the difficulties they have in attempting to identify explicitly, empirically and theoretically, the localization economies that account for the existence of clustering. â€Å"†¦they do not contain any theory specifying how the territorial configuration of many co-localized firms in related industries would be able to create knowledge in ways not equally available† (ibid). The development of innovation through clustering theory is argued against in its inability to commence its analyses through identifying how knowledge is shares an d how technology is transferred to encourage firms’ competitiveness.Another shortcoming of cluster theory is in its lack of systematic effort to examine empirically the actual mechanisms outlining the enormity of localization economies. Past efforts have based their empirical study on case study. The problem here is intensified by the fact that biased selections of case study are conducted, which is based on high tech industries and on regional successes of clustering of firms. Furthermore, the elusive nature of former theory on the concept of localization of firms gives the knowledge-base theory a plausible stand.The innovation in knowledge-base spatial cluster theory, as purported by Malmberg and Maskell (2001) is to make the theory more satisfactory in brining better explanation to spatial clustering than previous theories. As Maskell (2001b), argued a reasonable theory of spatial clustering must include a clarification for the presence of the cluster. In this case, it sho uld specify the processes that prompt similar firms to cluster in a particular area. A theory must contain explanation for the internal organization of cluster.Furthermore, an explanation should be given for those advantages that are accrued to firms concentrating as cluster in a particular location. Finally, the theory should be dynamic in such a way that it encompasses the eventually rationale for decline in the success of clusters. The knowledge-based spatial cluster theory for it implementation to be useful dispersed knowledge need to be gathered and reassembled for learning among the clustered firms.This should be subject to prior to the period before knowledge-bases of firms has grown enough outside the interaction to implement learning, and the ceiling period when cognitive distance becomes very large for firm to collapse together. â€Å"The innovative capabilities of firms are enhanced because co-location can provide them with an arsenal of instruments to obtain and underst and even the most subtle, elusive and complex information of possible relevance developed because they were separate firms pursuing their individual agenda† (ibid).The point of departure of knowledge-based agglomeration theory from the other theories is that other theories focus primarily on the formal institutional structure, cultural and linguistic aspects of firms in a cluster setting. The knowledge-base theory focuses on the business transactions between related firms, and through this, accurate analyses based on information from these transactions are generated.The reliance on ordinary analyses based on institutional structure such as cultural and linguistics aspects of firms’ concentration this will be good for a local innovative system learning process. However, the exchange of information and ideas associated with the frequent contact and learning derived from business transactions will be a right basis for creating new ideas and innovation. The thrust of the kn owledge-base agglomeration theory argument is that spatial clustering should play down on cost efficiencies in favour of concentrating on ways in which clustering enhances knowledge creation.This is a departure from the research argument on spatial clustering, where it highlights the implication of propinquity and distance, institutional structure and local setting on economic processes. RELATIVE SIGNIFICANT OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED AGGLOMERATION THEORY TO SPATIAL CLUSTERING FIELD The knowledge-based theory is widely adopted in recent research on spatial clustering and economic geography on agglomeration. According to Dahl (2001), the conception of knowledge has strong impact on the connection between innovation and geography.This is because of the social interaction that is germane in knowledge dissemination that is important knowledge in innovation process. Firm’s agglomeration is thus, link to their quest to access tacit knowledge in specific areas. Knowledge creation process ca n be accessed through planned resource generating institutions, such as education system, universities, public research centres, and research and development department in firms. Secondly, knowledge is generated through firm learning processes in firms. Learning forms an important feature in innovation process.This attribute the significance the knowledge-base theory is in National System Innovation, as pertaining deriving the economic benefit of firm’s agglomeration. â€Å"A significant amount of innovation and improvements rely on individual learning process or learning by using processes from firms† (ibid). The difficulty associated with transferring knowledge from a firm to another, requires face-to-face interactions for knowledge transfer to be effective. This is a reason why firm concentrate and cluster in an area for exchanges and knowledge gaining.Thus, this result in clustering firms who are in competitions and their suppliers in a location. Getting informatio n on ways an organization rivals operate tends to give the organization the means to formulate strategy to make it compete favourably in the industry it operates. Firms that are located somewhere else may be tempted into relocating to another area where it perceive it has the advantage of getting better access to local based knowledge or supply or customers (Maskell & Kebir 2001).Knowledge based theory in clustering is also significant in the sense that it promotes national growth through research and development utilized for planning in information derived from firms operations within a clustered location. Technology- based firms locating in geographic proximity have utilized the advantage in localization to higher educational institution to benefit from technology transfer and spill over which culminate in economic growth for the region (Audrestsch 1998 et al, cited in Biron & Malone 2007).Knowledge spillover is a part of firm agglomeration that makes the phenomenon beneficial in the exchange of knowledge. Efficiency of firm in a clustered relationship has being linked to knowledge spill over. The growth of firms in an agglomerated setting leads to backward and forward linkages as advantages derived from the consolidated workforce with specified skills and knowledge spillovers (Athreye, 2000). The knowledge spillovers may come in form of sharing of information on new technologies in informal meetings among staffers of different organizations in the same locality.Thus, the knowledge-base cluster theory has significantly given explanation to the existence of cluster, its extension, and exhaustive argument on firms’ agglomeration. CONCLUSION National System Innovation is a process of developing innovative pattern of operating in a state. There are regional and local versions of system innovation. Looking at the agglomeration theory, it is perceived as a theory that goes to show how clustering of firms tends to bring about economic development and interna l development for the firms.However, the uncoordinated and ineffective way of explanation the existence, extension and arguments on the concept lead to the innovation of another method of analysing agglomeration of firms. The previous economic innovations and the historical and cultural trace of analysing spatial cluster in firm has being criticised based on the aforementioned criticisms ambiguities, unifies theoretical structure. The knowledge-base theory, as an innovation in the traditional and classical method tends to give explicit explanation to clustering through the exchanges of information among firms in a clustered stetting.This comes in the study of business transactions among firms that result in knowledge spill out. This knowledge spillouts usually does not only take place in formal meetings but through informal interactions among workers of different firms in the same locality. Knowledge-base cluster theory tends to show how firms in a cluster environment operate and co mpete through learning processes derived from the agglomerated existence.