Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effect of Collaborative Learning Styles on Student Achievement Essay

In terms of assessment and teaching strategies, collaborative learning styles can be considered as an indicator of the student’s prior knowledge about a certain topic or subject. Learning styles are functional especially within the classroom setup because it enables the teachers to determine the existing knowledge of students which they are able to acquire before-hand which in turn grant the teachers the capability to assess the degree or level of difficulty the lessons will be. While it enables teachers to plan ahead of time the scope and level of the lessons for the students, it also helps the students to refresh their knowledge and be fully aware of what they already know. The problem however in the context of today’s modernization is the ability of students to acquire such habit, which clearly, declines the quality of their academic gain. The rise of technological advancements and the internet diverted the attention of the students from reading books and journals towards updating their online profiles and music players. Given this, it would rather be best if the students work in groups since these individuals presumably have the same common ground when it comes to societal habits. In such case, the challenging tasks will benefit both the student and the teacher in terms of brainstorming strategies and it allows students to participate in a casual yet academic form just enough to prepare them for future public or corporate requisites. Conceivably, such is in a sense that traditional schooling is incapable of providing the authenticity learners require is often given voice in the literature of educational technology, and this field provides a good vantage point from which to study both constructivism and the concern for authenticity. In essence, there is a huge possibility that students will enhance their cultural knowledge, cognitive skills, personal skills, business knowledge, and management skills given the activities that involve collaborative learning. Quality of knowledge imparted to students should be innovative and fit for this era. Reference McKenna, B. J. , & McKenna, J. J. (2000). Selecting Topics for Research Writing Projects. The English Journal, 89(6), 53.

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