Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Characteristics Of King Mahatma Gandhi - 1047 Words

King Kamehameha I, who was able to become the ali’i of Hawai’i after many years of war and bloodshed. Kamehameha was also the guy who unified the eight Hawaiian Islands. Mahatma Gandhi, the primary leader of India’s independence movement against British rule. (biography.com Editors). Gandhi also worked to balance religious sects and classes. (Nanda, Britannica). Therefore, these men are very effective leaders because they were very intelligent with what they were doing, and they were very determined leaders that did whatever they had to do in order for them to reach their goal. (Nanda, Britannica). Kamehameha and Gandhi were effective leaders because they both were intelligent and very determined people, which is why they were able to†¦show more content†¦Second, he is an effective leader because again just like Kamehameha, he was a determined guy. Gandhi declared that he would go to jail or die before obeying the anti-Asian law, this showed that nothing could change his convictions (Nanda, Britannica). This helped him be an effective leader because it showed that he really cared about his people and would do anything to help them. All in all both men were effective leaders by being intelligent and determined. Even though Kamehameha and Gandhi were effective leaders, they handled their situations differently, and they didn’t respond to their problems in the same way. They both also had their own unique way of taking care of their government and people. Kamehameha was different from Gandhi because he was very violent and fierce towards his enemies, and on the other hand, Gandhi was a very gentle and caring man, who devoted his life to non-violence, peace, and brotherhood (Nanda, Britannica). Since Kamehameha was strong and fierce, it made him a better warrior because he was able to back his people up when they were in a war. Also, since Gandhi was a very gentle man devoting his life to non-violence, that helped him become a more effective leader because he was able to get more supporters, which would make his protest easier to win. Second, Kamehameha and Gandhi are different because Kamehameha is very cooperative with foreigners during their trade (Potter, Kasdon, and Rayson 25), whereas Gandhi was very stubbornShow MoreRelatedGandhi : Man Of Power853 Words   |  4 Pages Gandhi: Man of Power When we think of leaders, we all have certain characteristics that come to mind. We consider those who are leaders, to be a person who had done something special in their time. That something may have changed something in their local community, or it may have changed the world (Lal, 2015). World history has known many examples of leaders that made a big change in the world. 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